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Jump To: Image (1)  |  Document (4)  |  Text (18)  |  Other (1)

Images (1)

Document (4)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
DataSources Rich Text Format 12 12KB 1992-02-19
MapSummary Rich Text Format 3 2KB 1992-06-29
Summary Rich Text Format 5 5KB 1992-02-19
underground Rich Text Format 3 4KB 1992-06-29

Text (18)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AURORA.DOC Text File 89 5KB 1992-02-18
broadcasts.doc Text File 483 25KB 1992-02-18
COMPANY.DOC Text File 20 1KB 1992-02-18
contel Text File 18 568b 1993-11-14
getAurora Text File 24 508b 1992-02-22
getGif Text File 49 742b 1992-07-10
getMap Text File 26 500b 1993-11-14
mit-weather Text File 14 393b 1993-11-14
modify Text File 4 43b 1992-06-25
quake Text File 9 193b 1992-02-19
SATRECPT.DOC Text File 442 21KB 1992-02-18
SELS.DOC Text File 97 5KB 1992-02-18
solarmail.info Text File 111 6KB 1992-02-18
SPOTFREQ.DOC Text File 666 21KB 1992-02-18
synoptic Text File 13 333b 1993-11-14
WX-PUBS.DOC Text File 78 2KB 1992-02-18
WX-TALK.DOC Text File 358 16KB 1992-02-18
WXPEOPLE.DOC Text File 168 7KB 1992-02-18

Other Files (1)
Other Mac OS X Universal Binary 1KB 1994-05-24